Kris Van de Sande
Bachelor and Master in Audiovisual Arts


Your training in details


The radio & audio course is for makers who want to tell a story in sound. In the form and for the platform where that story can come into full play: a radio programme, a podcast, an audio installation, a fiction piece, a documentary, an audio guide ...

The radio classes cover the development of an original programme idea, up to its realization in the studio. For documentary, you make a short reportage or a longer subjective story. We also offer a package of lessons that deal with sound in a more artistic way: audio installations, audio art, soundscapes ...

The bachelor radio/audio forms versatile radio makers. Students come into contact with all facets of radio making: they master the medium technically and they can handle it creatively. During the training, students discover the possibilities of this fascinating medium and find their own style and voice within it.

In the master’s, students continue their individual course in an atmosphere of reinforcement and research. Interdisciplinary research into new formats and developments within the medium all find their way into the master classes. The course invests in independent thinking, artistically formed and socially conscious radio makers.

The department’s teachers are often active in the radio field. They provide their knowledge and experience in terms of concept development, editing and research, radio advertising, technical realization, use of voice and many other aspects of radio/audio.

The students get the opportunity to do an internship at one of the national radio stations, at city media Bruzz or at a cultural/artistic organization. Gaining experience is important, and therefore a very own practical platform has been created. XL Air ( is the radio of the RITCS. On this Internet radio students practice their skills and alternately take the role of technician, presenter, producer, interviewer, editor, reporter or person responsible for promotion and social media. Being a research project, it is also a lab to explore new formats.

 All our classes are in Dutch.

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