Unseen by Atta Nasser
Bachelor or Master in Dramatic Arts

Drama - Acting


At the RITCS you are not an actor who merely performs. You are a making performer! From pure pleasure of acting, reflection and insight you make proposals on stage, you try, you fail, and make theatre. As a performer you are part of the creative process, you translate this on a stage, a street, in front of a camera, ... and you keep it alive and relevant where possible.

Through daily training courses and specific workshops you develop your material; your voice, your body. Together with our teachers, mentors and your fellow students you learn what makes you specific. You develop your strengths and you are supported in pushing your boundaries.

We look at traditions but there are no sacred genres or methods in this training. In addition to the theory, there are many "best practices" from professional makers and performers who are still active in the contemporary international performing arts landscape. In the many practical exercises you come across different visions and opinions that challenge, enrich and empower you as a performer. 

In addition to the directed or collective creative processes, there is also space for your own solo performance every year.

Through our European exchanges and internships you also get other perspectives on acting and you immediately build up a multilingual and international portfolio. If this biotope appeals to you, come and investigate. Start developing the future forms of theatre-making together with your fellow students and participate in telling the stories that are current and urgent.


The MA programme in Theatre offers extensive possibilities of reflexion, research and consultation and focuses on individual and collective artistic research, critical (self-) reflexion, autonomy, interdisciplinarity and dialogue.

Twice a year (at the beginning of the academic year and at the end of April) you will have the opportunity to present your individual work(-in-progress). You will work with students from the technical theatre programme who will support you in realizing your own work in professional circumstances. 

The content of the acting programme will be developed by the artistic staff of the school and aims at offering you the highest challenge possible as an actor, by inviting you to participate in three challenging and very different artistic projects.

The programme consists of the following modules:

  • A topical seminar in the field of political theory, philosophy, cultural theory or art theory;
  • The presentation of your individual work (solo);
  • (optional) participation in the RITCS Winter School: a collective thematic module or research block hosted by RITCS staff members and featuring artists of international reputation (elective);
  • Collective and individual feedback sessions;
  • Two in-house professional productions directed by well-known director or theatre maker. The result of this professional experience is a full-fledge theatre production touring on different locations. Prior projects have been RITCS School of ARTS – www.ritcs.be/theater directed by artists as divers as Gerardjan Rijnders, Jeroen De Man (Warme Winkel), Stef Lernous (Abattoir Fermé), Peter Vandenbegin, Manja Topper (dood paard), Chiel Van Berkel, Sarah Moeremans and others.
  • One of these two productions can be replaced by an internship
  • The MA graduation project in collaboration with Kaaitheater

Collaborations have been set up with the following institutions: Conservatoire de Liège, Theaterschool Amsterdam (Mime-opleiding), Rietveldacademie (Amsterdam), Université Paris Ouest La Défense Nanterre (Paris), Kaaitheater (Brussels), Beursschouwburg (Brussels), BrakkeGrond (Amsterdam), kc Nona (Mechelen), Bronks and many others.

Teaching staff

The Master in Theatre is coordinated by a mentor who will act as your artistic and intellectual sparring partner throughout the year, together with a team of staff members.

The programme works with a wide variety of artists, dramaturges and academics, including: Dirk Verstockt (dramaturge, director, critic), Eurudike De Beul (singer, Peeping Tom), Jos Verbist (actor, director, Theater Antigone), Stef De Paepe (director, dramaturgy, new media, De Maan), Ruud Gielens (actor, director), Stef Lernous (director Abattoir Fermé), Geert Opsomer (dramaturgy), Karel Vanhaesebrouck (theory), Raven Ruëll (director), Klaas Tindemans (dramaturgy), Stef Stessel (set design), Harry Cole (light design), Carly Wijs (actor, director), Sanne Van Rijn (director), Gerardjan Rijnders (director), Tania van der Sanden (actor), Johan Dehollander (director, actor), Sanja Mitrovic (director, performer), Lizzy Timmers (director, actor), Tom Dupont (writer, director) and many others. Students in the directing track can propose their own coaches. The theory seminars are taught by our in-house professors Lieven De Cauter, Geert Opsomer, and Dominiek Hoens.


Regarding the pain of others Zoe Demoustier

Students holding a Flemish BA degree in Drama (acting) have direct access to the MA programme in Performing Arts (acting). However, participating in the auditions and subsequent workshop is highly recommended. All other candidates should follow the application procedure

Important dates

In both cases (acting and directing) you will be asked to prepare a short presentation / performance / act that will provide the jury with an insight in your personal universe. As a starting point you take an existing text (a theatre text, a self-written text, a passage from a novel, etc.). Use this text as a basis to create a performance or intervention that is theatrically interesting for a spectator. The live dimension of your intervention is, of course, of crucial importance. In other words, you need to perform something live on stage yourself. The presentation takes 10 to 15 min.

Candidates for the acting program will receive an additional text (in Dutch) which they will need to memorize and perform.
 Candidates for the directing program will be asked to bring a portfolio containing personal work, sources of inspiration, crucial documents, etc.

